End of Arm Tooling (EOAT) Solutions
End of Arm Tooling (EOAT) Solutions
Robotic Automation Systems is a leader and innovator of custom-designed, robustly engineered, and constructed end of arm tooling (EOAT), grippers, and end effectors, for a wide range of robotic automation applications in horizontal and vertical plastic injection molding automation, including insert molding automation and in-mold decorating automation.

Vacuum Placement End of Arm Tool (EOAT)
Custom end of arm tool for automated retrieval of small caps using a vacuum system without suction cups

Quick Change Device End of Arm Tool (EOAT)
ATI QC20 high precision automatic tool changer with 8 Robohand 2-jaw parallel grippers and high tolerance docking

In-Mold Decorating End of Arm Tool (EOAT
In-mold labeling (IML) custom end of arm tool with Simco static charging tetra bars

In-Mold Decorating End of Arm Tool (EOAT)
In-mold labeling (IML) custom end of arm tool for automated label placement

Insert Loading End of Arm Tool (EOAT)
Dual function (same side pick & load) custom end of arm tool for automated part retrieval / insert loading of 4 cavities on movable half of the mold

Part Confirmation
Backlit custom end of arm tool using a Cognex Camera for vision inspection and part confirmation

Magnetic Dual Function End of Arm Tool (EOAT)
Dual function magnetic end of arm tool for picking up 4 metal inserts and loading into a horizontal plastic injection molding machine

Dual Function End of Arm Tool (EOAT)
Dual function custom end of arm tool loading inserts on the fixed side and retrieving parts on the movable side

Part Picking Dual Function End of Arm Tool (EOAT)
Direct charging, through resistive foam, for label placement and part picking automation on a 3-axis top entry robot

Vacuum Cup Systems End of Arm Tool (EOAT)
Custom end of arm tool for picking a 20 pound, 96 gallon waste container using oval vacuum cups

In-Mold Decorating End of Arm Tool (EOAT)
Direct charging custom end of arm tool with Simco spot chargers for in-mold decorating

Triple Function End of Arm Tool (EOAT)
Triple function custom end of arm tool for automated pre-bending of post molded parts, insert loading and part picking, mounted on an ABB Robotics IRB 1600 robot

Insert Loading End of Arm Tool (EOAT)
Dual function end of arm tool for automated picking and placing on the moveable half of the mold

Part Picking Dual Function End of Arm Tool (EOAT)
Dual function direct charging end of arm tool for automated label placement and part picking on a Fanuc Robotics 5-axis robot

Gripper System End of Arm Tool (EOAT)
Custom end of arm tool with 8 Robohand RPL parallel grippers in line with custom machined jaws for part sensing on an ABB Robotics IRB 1600 robot

Dual Function End of Arm Tool (EOAT)
Direct charging dual function custom end of arm tool for automated label placement and part picking on a Simco pinner bar, mounted on a 5-Axis beam robot

Vacuum Cup Systems End Of Arm Tool (EOAT)
Custom end of arm tool for layer packing, with Edco B15 suction cups, mounted to level compensators affixed to a polycarbonate base plate

High tolerance (.0002") custom insert loading end of arm tool with 3-jaw grippers and docking

Dual Function Insert Loading and part pick End of arm tooling

Dual Function
Dual Function Insert Loading and part pick End of arm tooling

Custom In Mold Labeling End of Arm Tooling with Integrated motion and Docking.

16 Cavity Press to Press Transfer End of Arm Tooling

PVC Appliance Component Part retrieval End of arm tool for three axis top entry robot

Liquid Silicon Rubber Part extraction End Effector

5 Gallon Custom In Mold Label Mandrel with Dual Rap Label End of arm tool utilizing Vacuum and Static Charging on a 6 axis Articulated Robot

Adjustable Dual Function In Mold Label and Part Picking Curb side Waste Container Lids

End of arm Tool Docking exchange station utilizing ATI Tool Changers with FANUC Six Axis Articulated Robot

Dual Function In Mold Label End Effector mounted on Three axis Top entry Servo Robot

Custom End of arm Tooling for Insert Loading and Part Picking on FANUC Six axis robot.

Press to press transfer First shot substrate and In Mold label from horizontal Injection molder to Blow molding press.

Dual Function End of Arm Tooling for Part retrieval and insert Loading on Six axis Articulated Robot

PVC Appliance Component Part extraction custom End of arm Tooling for WEMO three axis Top Entry Robot mounted on 750 Ton Horizontal Injection molding Machine

Vision Guided Insert Loading End effector Dual function including Part Picking and ATI Tool Changer on FANUC M-710 Articulated Robot.

Vision Guided Insert Loading End effector Dual function including Part Picking and ATI Tool Changer on FANUC M-710 Articulated Robot.

16 Cavity Part Picking end of arm Tool with Part confirmation on FANUC 6 Axis Articulated Robot including ATI Tool Changer

Dual Function Part Picking 2 cavity family mold End of Arm tool with integrated motion to extract parts from Stack Mold mounted on WEMO three axis Top entry Robot

Custom End of arm Tool, Dual function to extract Automotive Oil Pan and re-load 18 Compression Limiters all on movable side of mold integrated on FANUC M900 260 L Articulated Robot

Part extraction End of Arm Tool for the Appliance Industry PVC 2 Cavity Side by Side employed on WEMO Three axis Top entry Robot.